
LTE V2X車間通訊服務與系統架構


隨著科技的進步,自動駕駛汽車所需之相關技術也愈趨成熟。自動駕駛汽車上路有兩個技術發展重點,一為主動式感測技術,二為協同式資料運算;後者多仰賴通訊技術進行資料交換與蒐集形成所謂車聯網(V2X, Vehicle-to-Everything)服務。為符合車用環境,比較熱門的通訊技術大多具有適用於戶外環境的特性,例如5.9GHz DSRC ;(Dedicated Short- Range Communication)以及LTE(Long Term Evolution),制定LTE的3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)自Release 14開始加入有關V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything)的議題。本文將針對3GPP現階段進行討論的LTE V2X服務與系統需求做介紹。


Sensor technologies and Date fusion algorithm are mature for autonomous driving. The input source of data fusion algorithm depends on advance communication technology also called Vehicle-to-Everything. The communication technology for this purpose should be suitable for outdoor environment. For example: 5.9GHz Dedicated Short-Range Communication and LTE (Long Term Evolution). 3rd generation partnership project adds the topic of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) since release version 14. This paper will introduce the LTE V2X service requirement and system architecture.

關鍵詞(Key Words)

自動駕駛車 (Autonomous Car;Driverless Car)
長期演進技術 (Long Term Evolution;LTE)
車聯網 (Vehicle-to-Everything;V2X)

相關檔案: LTE V2X車間通訊服務與系統架構(全文)