本論文主要針對 V2X (Vehicle to Any) 智慧行車輔助服務,發展車路服務監控管理系統與行車輔助應用解決方案。依照駕駛者與平台服務管理人員之需求,進行系統設計與開發,整體系統架構包含三大部分為應用層、通訊層與雲服務層。應用層由車載端使用者與個人資訊裝置所組成;通訊層則包含車載端設備、路側裝置、路側設備與蜂巢式通訊系統 (Cellular System);雲服務層則包含平台端系統 (iTSP) 與平台端使用者。所發展之 V2X 車路服務監控管理系統主要可提供後端管理人員車輛與路側設備即時狀態監控與遠端服務管理功能,並提供服務快速布建能力,此外結合所開發之智慧行車輔助 APP,提供駕駛路口導引、即時路況資訊與異常事件警示等服務。
This study proposes the idea of V2X (Vehicle to Any) intelligent driving assistance services, including development of the fleet and roadside management system, and service solution of driving assistance. According to the needs of the drivers and service administrator, the management system is designed and developed. The system architecture includes three parts, that is, application layer, communication layer and cloud service layer. The application layer is composed of front-end user and personal information device, furthermore, the communication layer includes on-board unit (OBU), roadside device, roadside unit (RSU), and cellular system, and meanwhile, the intelligent Telematics Service Platform (iTSP) and back-end user are included in the cloud service layer. The V2X service management system provides not only real-time status monitoring and remote management of OBU and RSU to back-end user, but also the ability of services rapid deployment. Moreover, with the intelligent driving assistance APP, it can provide intersection guidance, real time traffic information and abnormal events warning to drivers.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
智慧車載服務平台 (intelligent Telematics Service Platform;iTSP);
行車輔助應用 (Driving Assistance Application;DAA);
V2X車路服務監控管理 (V2X Service Monitoring and Management)。
相關檔案: V2X車路服務監控管理系統與行車輔助應用