本論文提出一大數據服務平台,ITRI IoT PaaS。本平台設計的主要目標在於提供產業領域對蒐集來自機器或設備感測器大數據資料的處理與分析服務。許多產業領域中,機器或設備所依附的感測器會不間斷且高頻率的產生資料,這些大量資料需要空間與時間進行儲存與處理,由於量的關係,其效率與效能成為研發服務平台主要探討議題,且大量資料在輸入分析模型的前處理,對於探索智能產線提昇效能的因素,具有絕對的影響力,這是形成工業4.0的基礎概念。對於大數據資料的處理與分析,是本平台設計所挑戰議題,藉由Mesos與Spark分散式架構的整合,提出有效解決方案。驗證本平台的目標,我們採用電腦計算能力、資料寫入處理時間及大量資料查詢時間作為平台運作量測指標;相關結論提出驗證平台對大數據資料的處理與分析效能。
A novel platform as a service (PaaS) is presented in this paper. The main objective aims to provide a service for big data preprocessing and analysis collected from machines/sensors. In main domains, massive data is collected from sensors which are associated with different machines or facilities. The data require to be stored and processed efficiently and effectively according to the big data characteristic. Volume of the data leads to main issues of effectiveness and efficiency to be explored in this paper. The main goal is to feed the data into analytic models for finding improvement factors from current management process which is also the main concept of Industry 4.0. The challenges of this paper are to deal with the manipulation and analysis of big data. The ITRI IoT PaaS is proposed to provide the services as a solution for the challenges based on the integration of distributed computing architecture of Mesos and Spark. Data access and query time, computing power, sensor connection quantity, and analytic time measurements are provided to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the solution. The conclusion is presented in the end of the paper.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
物聯網(Internet of Thing;IoT)
大數據(Big data)
工業4.0(Industrial 4.0)
雲端服務(Cloud Service)
軟體服務(Software as a Service;SaaS)
平台服務(Platform as a Service;PaaS)
基礎設備服務(Infrastructure as a Service;IaaS)
虛實整合系統(Cyber-Physical Systems;CPS)
相關檔案: ITRI IoT PaaS大數據服務平台介紹(全文)