在發展戶外環境監測系統時,如何取得穩定的電力來源供給系統運作,一直是相關應用當中最重要的技術挑戰。本文針對上述技術挑戰,設計利用土壤能源,來讓無線感測系統達到能量自主化。本系統包含可提供60~100µW的雙電極土壤電池、溫溼度感測器、低功耗藍芽傳送機、微處理機和客製化的低功率電容式讀取電路。其中電容式讀取電路功率消耗僅需3 µW。整體系統在待機及傳輸模式時所需的功率消耗分別為20 µW和1 mW。本系統克服了傳統環境監測需要經常性地更換電池的缺點,實現出一低成本且能自我能量維持之環境監測系統。
Limited energy source dominates the use of sensor system, especially for outdoor environment monitoring. This paper presents a self-sustaining moisture and temperature monitoring system using soil energy. The proposed sensor system includes the soil energy cell, which can produce 60~100 µW, a temperature/humidity sensor, a Bluetooth low-energy transmitter, a microcontroller and a custom low-power capacitive sensor readout silicon chip. The system is demonstrated measuring temperature and air moisture changes directly using inexpensive and renewable soil energy without external power supply. The capacitive sensor readout chip is only consumes 3 µW. The total power consumption of the wireless temperature and air moisture monitoring system is 20 µW and 1 mW in the sleep mode and the active wireless data communication operations, respectively. This technology enables remote field environment monitoring with less labor-intensive work and battery replacement.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
可再生能源 (Renewable energy)
土壤電池 (Soil battery)
能量擷取 (Energy harvesting)
無線監控 (Wireless monitoring)
智能感測 (Smart sensing)
土壤含水量 (Soil Moisture)
相關檔案: 具土壤能源供電之無線溫度/溼度監測系統(全文)