Power electronic device IGBT is the driving element in motor control system, it has the advantage of smaller driving current and lower on-state resistance. But the fault of power stage not only decrease the performance of motor system, and will cause the catastrophic failure. This paper presents a research on motor control unit power stage diagnostic and reliability monitoring, this module integrates hardware and software technology, including ARM System-on-Chip, motor control algorithm and fault detection algorithm. Especially, by using the average of three phase current, it can detect and diagnose the fault of power electronic device in the early stage and doesn’t need the extra sensor effort. By using the BLE module to transmit error codes, users can use mobile device to understand the failure behavior, increasing the safety and reliability of the motor control system.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
絕緣閘雙極電晶體 (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor;IGBT)
馬達控制模組 (Motor Control Unit)
功率元件診斷 (Power Stage Diagnostic)
低功耗藍芽 (Bluetooth Low Energy;BLE)
相關檔案: 馬逹控制模組功率元件故障診斷與可靠度預警(全文)