為了滿足 5G 網路的需求,在人口密集的地方大量增設小型基地台 (Small Cell) 是目前提出的方法之一,但是要讓 Small Cell 正常運作,則必須要在 Small Cell 和核心網路之間佈署線路,不過若是要為大量的 Small Cell 部署線路,則必然要耗費大量的成本,因此,較佳的解決方法為利用目前已佈署的網路來增設 Small Cell。
使用已部署的網路來增設 Small Cell 雖然可以節省大量的成本花費,但是存在著另一個問題,即該網路能否提供原本網路和行動網路所需的服務品質,例如:利用企業網路部署 Small Cell,除了要能滿足行動網路的需求,還必須維持企業網路的運作正常;不過可確定的是,傳統的交換機並無法提供異質網路所需的服務品質,為此,我們將傳統交換機更換成 SDN 交換機,在工研院內建立了 SDN-enabled Mobile Backhaul,除了可以維持原本企業網路的運作,也能給予行動網路所需的服務品質。
In order to meet the requirement of 5G network, deploying a lot of Small Cell in densely populated areas is one of the proposed method. However, the network must be deployed between Small Cell and core network for the proper operation of Small Cell. However, deploying the network for large number of Small Cell will cost a lot of time and money. Thus, the preferred solution is using the network that has been existed to deploy the Small Cell.
Although it could reduce the cost by using the existed network to deploy the Small Cell, but there exists another problem: could the existed network supply the QoS of original network and mobile network? For example, deploys the Small Cells by enterprise network. In addition to provide the required QoS of mobile backhaul, it is necessary to keep the original enterprise network working normally. And it is certain that legacy switch can’t supply the QoS for heterogeneous network. For this reason, we build a SDN-enabled Mobile Backhaul in ITRI by replacing the legacy switch with SDN switch. Finally, the SDN-enabled Mobile Backhaul not only maintains the network function of enterprise network, and it can supply the requested QoS for mobile network.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
軟體定義網路 (Software-defined Network;SDN)
行動網路 (Mobile Network)
後端網路 (Mobile Backhaul)
服務品質 (Quality of Service;QoS)
相關檔案: 具備QoS功能之軟體定義後端網路測試場域(全文)