雲端應用的興起使得軟體定義網路(Software-Defined Networking;SDN)獲得注目,而SDN控制器(SDN Controller)藉由集中控制網路設備的方式,讓網管人員能快速且無誤的下達指令或規則(Rule)至指定的網路設備。為了參與SDN技術的發展,各家廠商或組織紛紛提出SDN解決方案,使用者安裝所需的網路專案至SDN控制器中,藉此改善網路效能。為了減少開發成本,許多使用者會利用模擬器整合SDN控制器進行網路專案開發。然而目前僅有SDN模擬器提供建置SDN環境,卻沒有一套評估套用特定網路專案後的效能評估系統,導致使用者無法真正了解各套網路專案之間的效能差異。為此,本論文首先提出一SDN效能評估系統之架構設計,當使用者上傳簡單的自定義網路拓樸與流量設定檔後,本系統能自動產生欲測試專案所需的網路拓樸,以供該網路專案使用,並能產生網路流量傳送至該網路中,藉此評估該網路專案的傳輸效能。於架構設計中,本系統根據蒐集的網路封包進行效能評估並提供評估報告給使用者。本論文未來擬完成整體SDN效能測試系統之實作與增加更多效能評估項目,以利使用者了解各網路專案之特性。
Software-defined networking (SDN) has obtained much more attention due to the rapid development of cloud applications. Users can quickly add rules to the designated network devices with high reliability by using centralized SDN controller. To participate in the SDN marketing, many companies and foundations propose their SDN solutions, and users can install the solution to controller for improving the network performance. To reduce the development cost of SDN solution, users often integrate SDN simulator and controller to simulate and develop their own SDN solutions. However, the existing well-known network simulators only support the construction of SDN environment, lacking the performance evaluation of SDN solution of which the user is concerned. Therefore, users cannot understand the differences between their SDN solutions. To overcome the problem, this paper firstly proposes an architecture of the SDN performance testing system which, after uploading simple configurations of the network topology and traffic pattern, automatically sets up the network topology and generates network traffic flow for network performance analysis of that SDN solution. In the proposed architecture, the traffic information will be collected and analyzed for providing evaluation reports to users. In future works, we will implement the whole SDN performance testing system and add more evaluation factors so that users would know more about the characteristic of each SDN solution.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
軟體定義網路(Software-Defined Networking;SDN)
效能測量(Performance Measurement)
相關檔案: SDN效能測試系統之架構設計(全文)