隨著各種行動多媒體影音應用在手機平台越來越普及,手機用戶對於頻寬與傳輸速率的需求也越來越大,使用毫米波頻段作為第五代行動通訊的操作頻段也因此成為全世界通訊大廠的共識,並預計在2018年年中完成phase-1涵蓋至30或40 GHz毫米波頻段;2019年年底完成phase-2涵蓋至100 GHz毫米波頻段之第五代行動通訊標準制定的時程規劃。雖然毫米波頻段能提供相當大的可用頻寬,但也包含許多毫米波在戶外通訊高路徑損失與高傳輸耗損的問題,需要藉由相位天線陣列與波束形成技術(Beam Forming),以提供更大的陣列天線增益來解決。但利用波束形成技術額外造成毫米波在戶外通訊窄波束、高指向性的傳輸特性,將產生如支援行動通訊指向性問題、阻擋的挑戰與多用戶終端支援的挑戰與困難。工研院在2015年與國內手機晶片大廠 聯發科合作,共同制訂設計規格、並共同開發驗證,實現了包括在38GHz頻段、250MHz頻寬,包括上行/下行、8x8 64天線單元之基站端相位天線陣列、8x4 32天線單元之用戶終端相位天線陣列、混合型波束形成(Hybrid Beam Forming)架構之射頻前端、波束追蹤演算法設計、峰值傳輸速率可達1Gbps、支援大於10Km/hr移動傳輸與200米涵蓋範圍之5G毫米波軟硬體驗證平台,並共同參展MWC-2016,在國際舞台展示了我國在5G毫米波的研發成果。
As the population of variant mobile multi-media applications on mobile phones, user terminal demands wider bandwidth and higher data transmission rate. Operation in millimeter wave frequency band has become a common consensus between all major telecommunication companies in the world-wide, and target to finalize the phase-1 standardization of 5G by the middle of 2018, the frequency band covers up to 30 to 40GHz, and the phase-2 standardization of 5G by the end of 2019, the frequency band is reaching 100GHz. Although the mm-wave band provides much wider available spectrum, it suffers from serious path and propagation loss, and needs to be solved by designing a phased antenna array and beam-forming technologies. Under the narrow beam directional transmission, it also induces many traditional radio access difficulties and challenges such as beam-tracking, blockage and multiple user terminal supporting issues. ITRI has cooperated with Taiwan leading mobile phone baseband chip company: MediaTek to co-define the design specification and co-develop the 38GHz 250MHz bandwidth 5G HW/SW platform with up-link/down-link, 8x8 64-antenna element eNB antenna array, 8x4 32-antenna element UE antenna array, hybrid beam-forming architecture, supporting over 10km/hr mobile transmission. ITRI has also co-demonstrate this 38GHz mm-wave HW/SW platform together with MTK in MWC-2016.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
波束形成(Beam Forming)
波束追蹤(Beam Tracking)
多重輸入與多重輸出(Multiple-Input- Multiple- Output;MIMO)
增強型行動寬頻(Enhanced Mobile Broad Band; eMBB)
相關檔案: 5G毫米波無線接取系統(全文)