


隨著行動裝置對圖形處理的需求越來越高,因此設計一個繪圖應用程式於繪圖處理器(Graphics Processing Unit, GPU)上,以估算執行時其相對應的功耗值,在進行單位功耗效能最佳化上,佔有舉足輕重的角色。有鑑於此,本論文提出一種可藉由繪圖API之執行記錄,來推導功耗,且不受限於硬體設計,並容易移植至各種不同繪圖處理器架構的通用型繪圖處理器功耗模型。本論文所提出的功耗模型可分為兩大階段,第一階段主要針對某種特定的繪圖處理器架構進行功耗模型訓練,第二階段則使用待分析程式之繪圖API執行記錄,以進行功耗預估。實驗結果顯示,使用具公信力之測試程式glmark2-es2來進行功耗預估,本論文所提出之功耗模型可達到95 %之平均精確度。


Since 3D graphic applications have reached the field of mobile devices and known as a tremendous expansion, graphic processors’ power consumption has become a major challenge in mobile SoC design. A high-level hardware agnostic model endorsed by GPU energy consumption measurements under specific 3D graphic applications running is proposed in this paper. The modeling method of the proposed design comprises of two phases, the first phase is GPU hardware dependent and the graphics API is presented in the second phase to trace the related information with only per a target application. The experiment results show that the proposed model can catch the average relative accuracy benefit about 95 % in a run-time of 2 seconds for the well-known benchmark glmark2.

關鍵詞(Key Words)

繪圖處理器 (Graphics Processing Unit;GPU)
功耗模型 (Power Model)
非結構化仿真 (Structure-agnostic)

相關檔案: 繪圖處理器系統功耗模型設計(全文)