本論文基於權重最大-最小公平準則提出正規化餘額擴展(Normalized Residual Scaling, NRS)資源分配方法,適用於無線網路節點分散式傳輸排程,以達成上行頻寬分配等相關應用。本方法藉由控制平均傳輸週期長度及調適個別節點的頻寬用量,顯著提升網路頻寬使用率、降低節點處理控制訊息的負擔、保障各節點傳輸資料的最長潛伏期,並且透過正規化資源位準的概念改進演算法,降低系統資源分配的計算複雜度。透過系統模擬與效能分析,本方法在輪詢頻率及頻寬使用率皆有良好的效能。
This paper proposes a weighted max-min fairness resource allocation method, called Normalized Residual Scaling (NRS), for sharing uplink bandwidth in distributed wireless networks. By controlling average length of transmission period and adapting bandwidth utilization of each node, NRS significantly increases network bandwidth utilization, reduces the overhead of processing control messages, and limits the latency upper bound for data transmission. We also introduce a novel normalized resource level concept to reduce the computational complexity. Performance evaluation demonstrates that the proposed mechanism improves performances of polling frequency and bandwidth utilization.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
權重最大-最小公平 (Weighted Max-Min Fairness)
水挹注程序 (Water-Filling Procedure)
無線令牌環通訊協定 (Wireless Token Ring Protocol;WTRP)
相關檔案: 分散式無線網路中正規化餘額擴展資源分配機制(全文)