功耗一直是電子裝置重要指標規格之一,低功耗成為設計物聯網裝置的基本要求。將有限的電力資源發揮最高效率,可從硬體電路設計多樣電源管理技術,例如,電源閘控(power gating)技術、時脈閘控(clock gating)技術等;搭配應用程式靈活運用硬體電路提供之電源管理策略,以及慎選低功耗高效能直流電源降壓模組等多方面一起努力。本篇文章主要內容是介紹低功耗藍牙BLEIoT開發板的設計規劃,並搭配溫度感知器偵測環境溫度做為應用實例,藉由此一感測器整合平台進行功耗實驗,驗證應用程式優化對於電池續航力所產生的影響,進而探討低功耗物聯網裝置的電源管理設計趨勢。
Power consumption is always an important specification index for electronic devices. And low power consumption is the basic requirement for designing IoT devices. To maximize the efficiency of limited electric resources, various power management technologies can be applied to hardware designs, such as power gating, clock gating, power management policies provided by hardware with application programs, and carefully choosing step-down DC-DC convertors with low power consumption and high efficiency. This paper introduces the design and planning of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensor integration platform, the BLEIoT development board, to which a temperature sensor is attached, to detect the ambient temperature as an application scenario. A series of power consumption experiments are applied to verify the effects of application program optimization to battery life, and the power management design trend of low power IoT devices is discussed as well.
關鍵詞(Key Words)
物聯網 (Internet of Things;IoT)
低功耗藍牙 (Bluetooth Low Energy;BLE)
功率能效 (Power Efficiency)
電池壽命 (Battery Life)
感測器整合平台 (Sensor Integration Platform)
相關檔案: 物聯網裝置之電源管理設計(全文)