


隨著各種行動多媒體影音應用在手機平台越來越普及,手機用戶對於頻寬與傳輸速率的需求也越來越大。為滿足METIS所勾勒2020年的使用情境,就最高峰值傳輸速率(Peak Data Rate)而言,必須是目前傳輸速率的10到100倍;行動數據容量(Mobile Data Volumes)則必須是2010年的1000倍。要達到METIS所定義的最高峰值傳輸速率與1000倍行動數據容量的需求,目前3GPP與全世界許多通訊大廠正針對下世代第五代行動通訊(Fifth Generation Mobile Communication,5G)新波形、新調變技術、新編解碼技術、新多工進接技術等重要無線接取技術積極提案與討論。預計在2017年底前完成各項新無線接取技術(New Radio Access Technology,new RAT)標準的提案討論,並預計在2018年年中完成phase-1涵蓋至30或40 GHz毫米波頻段;2019年年底完成phase-2涵蓋至100 GHz毫米波頻段之第五代行動通訊標準的制定。


As the population of variant mobile multi-media applications on mobile phones, user terminal demands wider bandwidth and higher data transmission rate. To meet the requirement of 10 to 100 times of peak data rate enhancement and the 1000 times of mobile traffic capacity increase compared to 2010 version for the variant scenarios in 2020 defined by METIS, 3GPP and all main communication companies in the world are aggressively proposing and discussing the new waveform, modulation, coding, and multiple access technologies. These proposed new radio access technologies will be finalized by the end of 2017. Phase-1 standardization of 5G will be finalized by the middle of 2018, the frequency band will cover up to 30 to 40GHz. Phase-2 standardization of 5G will be finalized by the end of 2019, the frequency band will cover up to 100GHz

關鍵詞(Key Words)

新波形(New Waveform)
新編碼技術(New Coding)
新調變技術(New Modulation)
新多重接取技術(New Multiple Access)
正交頻分多重接取技術(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access,OFDMA)

相關檔案: 5G毫米波新無線接取技術之發展現況(全文)(PDF)